Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Making Money | My Power Mall

The internet is fast becoming not only the information super highway, but also the one stop mall of the world as well. A lot of companies no longer have qualms with shipping their products overseas, and likewise shopper are becoming more comfortable with the concept of shopping online and making purchases from someone based half a world away. This is global shrinkage on a massive scale.

But what does any of this have to do with you, and more importantly what does any of this have to do with you making money? Well before I get into that, lets see i I can't wet your appetite a little. We have all just survived yet another Christmas rush, buying presents for everyone, buying lots of food (and eating it), but are you aware that over this years Christmas period in the USA alone $29.5 BILLION was spent in online shopping malls and various other online retail sites. That's a pretty huge pie, and I'd certainly be happy for a share of it.

By now I think I have your attention, and you may be thinking you certainly want in on a $29.5 billion pie. You may also be thinking though that you don't have a website to sell stuff from, you don't have any stuff to sell even if you did have a site - or you may just be thinking it's just to much work to learn everything I need to learn and set it all up.

I could be totally wrong and you are simply thinking - let me at it! I hope this is what you are thinking, because the rest of the stuff doesn't matter.

You may have heard about a site called My Power Mall, and you have (as I did initially) have figured that it was just like every other program or system out there that you receive emails about on a regular basis. After discussing it with some friends who are part of My Power Mall, I've decided that maybe I was a little rash in this thinking.

My Power Mall is not some small, one or two man show that happily takes your money and runs. It is a proper business, with a board of directors - each bringing something particular to the business - headed by CEO Ginny Dye. Ginny has been a part of the MLM and affiliate marketing scene and is fully aware that both business models only allow for a small percentage of people to make it. In fact it allows for only about 3% to make it, leaving 97% that fail.
When Ginny first set out to create and establish My Power Mall she wanted to create a business that people could be a success in, and not just 3%, but anybody who is willing to put a little work into promoting and using the business and it's product.

My Power Mall works by each member having the opportunity to establish their own online shopping mall. Members are then encouraged to purchase products that they would be buying every day through the online mall and having them shipped rather than heading down to a physical retail outlet and buying the same item. You then receive a rebate on the purchase you have made. Pretty simple really. You've saved time, money and petrol.

This blog is about ways to make money though, not just to save money. So how do you get you piece of that huge pie I mentioned earlier. Easy, you invite others to join, and as they shop and save money, you get a share in the rebates that they enjoy as well.

There are no sign up fees, membership fees, setup costs, ongoing costs and no qualification hoops to jump through to become a member of My Power Mall. This means that everybody has the same chance of making money. You don't have to be a guru, and you don't have to have been in the internet marketing business for the last decade. You could have brought your first computer today and be surfing the web for the first time ever and still have the opportunity to make money from My Power Mall.

Now, unlike most articles you read on products like this, I am not going to ask you to join under me and help boost my personal incomes from this. I am going to ask you to join through my friend Bert’s site though. You can reach his site by clicking any of the hyper-text My Power Mall phrasing through out this article. This will take you to Bert’s personal website. I'll also let you know up front, I'm not even in Bert’s personal referrals to this business, and neither is he in mine so I'm trying to use some back door method of profiting from you.

On there Bert will tell you further in his own words about the My Power Mall product and also provide you with links to be able to join. The thing I like about Bert’s site is that he has plenty of information available for you, and if you join under him he also includes you on his page to let others know about your mall. He also includes some ideas for you to promote your new mall to the internet in an effort to assist you in making more of the business. These are the same places that Bert has been advertising his mall and received the response that he has to date. This information is available by clicking on the "Advertising Sources" button on the top left of the screen.

Bert's site might not be as polished as some that you have come across, but there's no denying the results, over 40 members have joined with Bert in the last 5 months and he is already starting to see the income from his efforts grow. I think this is definitely a business we are going to hear a lot about in the future. If you haven't done so already, click on the links in this entry and check it out now.